Collective Music Creation

Single click to select the canvas. Double click to listen! Be patient, it is loading.

Select your favorite instrument and draw on the main canvas. Sound on!


Adjust the left and right of the slider and listen to the difference.

"Archive of Collective Music Creation" is a web-based platform that allows people of all musical backgrounds to collaborate on creating unique musical compositions. The platform will feature an intuitive interface that will enable users to easily draw and manipulate different musical elements, such as instruments and notes. To ensure accessibility for users of all skill levels, the platform will be designed with simplicity in mind, avoiding complex music theory concepts. The focus will be on user-friendly tools and visual aids that make the music creation process easy and enjoyable.

This project is inspired by my personal journey of creating a one-minute music piece for a class assignment at MIT.MAS Cultivating Creativity. Initially, I attempted to use GarageBand to create the piece, but I found it challenging to learn. Instead, I turned to my familiar software, Illustrator, to draw a diagram of the music rhythm I had in mind. I then discovered an easy-to-use web application called "Chrome Music Lab" and replicated the diagram online. As I was brainstorming for the final assignment, I had the idea of creating a web application that captures my experience: a music creation platform that is accessible to users of all skill levels. The platform will allow users to simply draw a stroke, line, or curve to translate their music ideas without the need for knowledge of musical elements such as notes or pitch.